3 Card Reveal 9.17.18

3 Card Reveal 9.17.18

Photo Sep 17, 10 47 20 AM.png

Hello Friends! I know its been a while since we have done one of these and Im so excited for the amount of response I had on all my SM platforms! So lets jump into this reading!

For my friends that chose card #1 - You Picked The 8 of Swords - This card is all about realizing that all of your limitations are self imposed. The 8’s are always cards of strength. This Card implies that you can draw strength by listening to your inner voice. Money may be tight for you or you may be feeling restricted in your life right now - take time to still your mind and heed your inner voice and intuition about what to do and where to go from here. TLDR Shut the F up and listen to what spirit is trying to tell you right now, your ego doesn’t always know best.

For my friends that chose card #2 - You picked Strength - This card is all about mental and emotional courage! Its about cultivating your strength through trust and belief in yourself. When this card shows up its a reminder that its just as important to nourish your spiritual body as it is to nourish your physical body. This card is also encouraging you to harness your passions and use your mind to direct energy to accomplish your creative goals in life. Take a note from the Leo’s this card was made after and face life with the necessary self-confidence to reach your desired goals. TLDR Confidence will get you everywhere in life - stop being modest and work what you got!

For my friends that chose card #3 - You picked the 8 of Pentacles - This card is all about understanding that the physical work you do also has spiritual significance. As you master your skills you are also improving your discipline and your ability to translate ideas into physical form. This card demands commitment and focus on the task at hand. This will allow you to reach long term goals no matter how impossible they might seem from where you’re standing. if you focus on the problems they will grow, if you focus on finding solutions they will become visible to you. TLDR Focus is powerful, whatever you direct it at will grow. Choose wisely.

Overall I think its interesting that ALL 3 CARDS were 8s! Whoa! Its also worth noting that these three cards represent Spiritual Strength, Mental Strength and Physical Strength. The 8s in general show us displaying our strengths. The strengths vary in each suit but there is a definite underlying theme!

Until our next reading



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3 CARD REVEAL 10.10.18

3 CARD REVEAL 10.10.18

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