My Grounding Techniques

My Grounding Techniques

My Personal Grounding Technique

Grounding is a technique to use when things are chaotic to keep you centered. With the holidays coming up this is a perfect stress-relieving technique that is quick and will leave you feeling focused. Grounding is associated with your Root Chakra. This is the red chakra at the base of your spine. Its where everything begins and everything is connected. 

There are tons of different ways to ground the following are just my personal methods. I highly recommend you research other ways and find what works best for you. 

My first technique is called Shotgunning:

This is great for a thought you cant get out of your mind or for getting rid of stressful things in your life. 

Close your eyes and relax your body. Visualize an object, whatever comes to mind, I usually see a rose or a diamond. Fill up that object with any stress or negative energy you want to get rid of. Let your object glow with the power of your thoughts until your ready to let go. Pull up the shotgun to your shoulder, aim carefully AND BLOW YOUR OBJECT AWAY! When I do this it usually looks like fireworks shining bright then fizzling out. Try this technique the next time something is under your skin and tell me you don’t feel better after a few shots!

For my less violent readers my next technique is called Growing Roots

If at all possible do this one outside! Get in a comfortable position with the base of your feet touching the earth. Imagine you are a mighty tree. Feel your branches stretching out and your leaves soaking up the sun. As a mighty tree your roots reach deep into the earth. When your roots have grown as far and as deep as they can go, imagine all of your energy flushing through your body from your head all the way down to your roots. Let the energy seep from your roots into the Earth to be absorbed. Do this until you feel you have cycled all of your energy. Relax and enjoy your connection with the earth. This has an amazing effect on me especially when I’m angry or frustrated. 

Another great way to stay grounded is by carrying crystals that are meant to ground and center you or absorb negative energy! Here are some recommended crystals for grounding:


*Red Tigers Eye

*Black Tourmaline

*Smokey Quartz

*Hematite or my personal favorite Rainbow Hematite 

Do you have techniques you use? Id love to hear them! 

XoXo Chelsea 

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