December 2014 Astro-Weather

December 2014 Astro-Weather


We start off the month with a warm and toasty fire trine between the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Aires. This trine sets the tone for Mars to leave Capricorn and move into Aquarius on the 4th. When Mars is in Aquarius technology, community and all modes of communication are highlighted. 

On the 6th we have the Full Moon in Gemini. This makes us extra social and talkative even with people we don’t know. The Full Moon is always about completing projects, finding resolutions to problems and closure but in Gemini you may not have to do it alone! Two heads are better than one, as they say.

Starting Monday the 8th Jupiter in Leo goes into a four month Retrograde. This is a time that the focus turns more on work and less on play and recreational activities. This is a great time to focus on your body and your diet if any changes need to be made. On December 10th Venus moves into Capricorn making things a little more serious. But not to fear because a lovely Fine Trine starts warming up again on the 11th. 

Mercury moves into Capricorn making it much easier to have professional conversations starting the 15th. Later that week Venus and Pluto meet up for their once a year get together. Use this meet up to transform your love relationships and money!

This Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st which is of course the Winter Solstice. This year is extra special because it lands on the New Moon which is also in Capricorn and marks the end of Uranus in Retrograde! There are new beginnings coming in all areas of life at the end of this year. 

Hallelujah Saturn moves into Sagittarius on December 23!! It has been in Scorpio for two years and were all ready to move on! This will allow some of the restrictions in life to lift allowing for fun, parities and adventures! What a way to end 2014! 

Until Next Year



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