Tarotscopes - Mercury Retrograde

Tarotscopes - Mercury Retrograde

Friends that chose #1 - You picked The Queen of Swords. She is wicked intelligent and can be guilty of slicing people down with her words. Be aware that the spirit of what you are saying will be taken the wrong way if the delivery is sharp. You will have a good mind for planning and will top all others in role of task master. You have been relying too much on your outer shell of protection and may be encouraged to break down some of those long standing walls. You will have no trouble laying down the foundations of a grand plan but hold off on the execution until Mercury goes direct at the end of the month. 

Friends that chose #2 - You picked The 9 of Pentacles. This is a card about tending to your gardens and getting them ready for harvest. You have put in a lot of work over these last few months and the rewards are right around the corner. Be careful not to pluck your fruits from the vines too soon, timing will make a huge difference in how much you get from your crop. Accumulating money will be the focus of this Retrograde so you would be wise to focus on stashing it away and keeping your spending at a minimum. 

Friends that chose #3 - You picked the high priestess. This is a card about intuition and inner awareness. When the spirit calls to you how do you answer? Do you engage with your intuition and work with it on a regular basis? You will be asked to do a lot of inner searching during this retrograde. Find mentors, connect with people and groups you have something to learn from. Allow yourself to meditate, allow yourself to accept your own inner truth. The HP is strong in her convictions and does not need to look to anyone else to make her decisions. 

XOXO Chelsea

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