Noble Lion's Guide to Manifestation

Noble Lion's Guide to Manifestation

I feel that manifestation is an inherent gift. It's always available to tap into it. Today I want to share with you my guide to manifesting anything your pretty little heart desires. 

First, just to be thorough, lets talk about what manifestation is exactly. Manifestation is the practice of energetically guiding the universe to make your wishes/desires a reality. Its the act of organizing the future and telling the universe what it is that you really want. 

Understand that the universe does not hear words like "no", "don't" and "not" which is why sometimes we manifest things we really didn't want with worrisome thoughts. So instead of thinking "I don't want to wreck my car in this snow", train your mind to think more along the lines of "I have faith that my car and I will be safe driving in this snow" or "Please protect me while I drive in this snow". Its hard to train your thoughts but the first step is being aware of what and how you think and making an effort to guide your mind in a different direction. Heads up, this will not happen over night. 

Thoughts, words and actions all have different strengths in manifestation. Thoughts have power but their power is fleeting unless you truly take time to visualize and focus on a particular thought. Words are more powerful than thoughts but they can still be taken on the wind and forgotten, they are best utilized with repeating and chanting. Action or writing (making thoughts physical) in my opinion is the most powerful means of manifestation. When you take the time to organize and write down your thoughts to the universe not only does it solidify your wishes, you also have something to reference once you have reached your goal. 

That being said I think it is important to note that one must be specific as possible when writing down intentions. If you write down vague intentions and desires you will get vague results from your manifestation. However, if you take the time to really get detailed with your intentions you will find that the universe delivers every time! 

A common misconception about manifesting is that whatever you want just magically appears, this is not the case. True manifestation takes faith. Yes, faith. If you do not have faith that the universe will support you and provide for your needs, it wont. You must also have faith in yourself and the inner power of manifestation you possess.  

Manifestation also requires action! You cannot supply the universe with a laundry list of demands and do nothing to help yourself. If your greatest desire is to be a movie star, it doesn't matter how many times you write that in a journal, if you never put yourself out there to be discovered it will never happen. Help the universe help you. Push yourself to dig deeper and reach higher for the things you want! 

Lastly, but probably most importantly it is absolutely crucial to give thanks and be grateful for the things that you manifest. Gratitude goes so incredibly far in the universe and you can never have enough! 

This post is getting a little long winded so I'm going to wrap it up. 

*Train your thoughts to support the positive lifestyle/goals you are trying to manifest

*Write down your intentions/goals/wishes/desires and be specific.

*Follow up your manifestation rituals with action 

*Learn to have faith in yourself and the universe 

Be grateful and give thanks when your intentions become reality through manifestation

Hope this post will get you started and on your way to manifesting great things! If you have questions or comments please leave them below or email me! 

XoXo Chelsea 

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