Happy 2015 Lovelies

Happy 2015 Lovelies

Lets make this year great! 

Looking back at 2014 I am happy to say it was a total success, an uphill battle maybe, but a success none the less. Mark and I bought our first home which was a huge life marker for us. We have officially put down roots and it feels really good. We have made new invaluable friends and started on a path that will really benefit us in the future. Mark has become so handy and we both survived Saturn in Scorpio! Whoo, it was a close one but we did it guys. There are so many shimmering opportunities shining in 2015 it makes my stomach do flips and flutter! I love the New Years energy. Everyone wakes up and makes plans to get their shit together. This is an energy I try to embody all year around but it is especially strong at the new year. I have decided I need to focus on new habits in 2015. It is too easy to fall into routines that aren't that great and Im ready to upgrade! 2015 will bring new habits and new ways of life. Its time to turn my thoughts to the physical. My temple is sacred and I haven't been treating it that way as of late, so my first goal in 2015 is a great cleanse to start the year. Im going to let go of all my habits and see what changes in my life. I eventually want to get to a place of moderation but for now it will be cold turkey. A 30 day challenge is just what I need to kick off this year right! Here is my 30 day challenge if any of these are things you need to work on too join me! Lord knows I could use some accountability! So here goes! 

  1. {30} day cleanse from smoking weed. My tolerance rivals Snoop Doggs at the moment so I want to take some time to let the “haze” clear. 
  2. No more Soda! Water is the source of life and I am determined to get reconnected with it. Im tired of getting caffeine headaches and feeling dehydrated all the time! Water is my new best friend! 
  3. Planet Fitness will become a regular stop for me! We pay for our membership every month and hardly even used it in 2014 that has got to change! Its time to get educated on how to take care of my body physically! Health is wealth! 
  4. Domestication! As a new home owner this has been on my mind a lot lately! Its time to create new house habits and start meal planning! I always feel better in a clean environment and as I said before health is wealth! 
  5. At home yoga and meditation are going to be new daily habit in 2015. Even if its just 5 mins of each I am determined to incorporate this into my daily life! I want to fully align my chakras in 2015. 
  6. I am going to face all areas in my life with an air of action in 2015. I am no longer waiting for the things I want to come to me! In 2015 Im reaching out to grab my dreams!
  7. I will be more organized and on top of our monthly finances. I will make a budget and reasonably stick to that budget allowing us to save money and build for our future. 
  8. In 2015 I am going to travel to a magical places I have never been before. 
  9. I will find more time for crafts and creativity in 2015! Inspiration is all around me and I intend to express it all! I will be a creative beast in 2015
  10. In 2015 I will be a more supportive and helpful wife. I will help in all areas of our lives and do anything I can to support and uplift my husband so that we can both be our happiest in 2015! 

XoXo Chelsea

Full Moons 2015

Full Moons 2015

Tarot Tuesday - Queen of Cups

Tarot Tuesday - Queen of Cups